
Healing comes in many different effective forms. I have found several powerful methods that have helped me heal my trauma wounds. The method used in your session depends on your unique history and needs at the time.


With compassionate guidance in a loving container, you'll be able to dive deeper into yourself to release and heal past wounds. The ultimate goal is peace and freedom in your heart.


The method used in each session varies, catering to your needs at the time. These sessions are meant to empower you in your own healing. 6 sessions are recommended for effective results, however some need more and some need less. Depending on the person, methods may include:

Trauma Release Methods

Inner Child Work

Nervous System Regulation


Shamanic Healing


In addition to working with the physical body in trauma healing, I also work with the energetic body, more specifically, the energy around the aura and the chakras. In energy work, I help remove energetic blockages and balance the chakras and energy field, helping a person feel much lighter and more balanced.

These sessions normally include a reading as scenes from one’s unresolved trauma will show up in my vision. If there are unresolved issues still affecting your well-being, I see it in the reading. This gives valuable information as to what needs healing at the moment.

A balancing of the chakras

Insight into unresolved trauma wounds

Methods to keep your chakras stable


In traumatic events, people tend to dissociate from their bodies to protect them from pain. It's natural. However, when the danger is over, they may continue living in that dissociated state.


This keeps them living in their minds, filling it with anxiety and unhelpful thoughts. Somatic + yoga therapy work by connecting one back to the wisdom of the body. Our body never lies. Physical ailments tend to be manifestations of emotional and spiritual wounds. This form of therapy can include:

FEELING into the body thru Felt Sense

Poses that create a healing effect

Breathwork + Visualizations for healing


When the loss of a loved one still sits painfully in our heart, communication with them can shine light on unanswered questions and unsaid feelings we want expressed. These sessions tend to be incredibly loving and healing, and I'm always so honored to be the medium bringing you and your loved one together. These sessions are for any of your loved ones, human or pets.

Connect with your loved one

Ask them questions

Express your feeings

"Lynn is a warm, gentle and intuitive healer that can help you uncover blocks within your emotional body and guide you on how to release and let go."





Most sessions are one hour. The chakra reading is 1.5 hour.

Intentional Yoga is once a month via Zoom.

Chakra Reading + Balancing $150

Guided Healing Session $100

Mediumship Session $100

Somatic + Yoga Therapy $100

Intentional Yoga Zoom $10 min suggested donation

How it Works


Intro Call

We can first connect via an intro call - yes, the old school method of hearing each other's voices!


Are we a good fit?

From the intro call, we can determine whether working together will best serve your needs.


Book a Session

If I can be of service to you, then we schedule the appropriate session for your needs at the time.

Simple SophisticationLiving in Ecstasis, trauma healing, spiritual guidance, shamanic healing, intuitive healing, medium for loved ones

Rediscover the LIGHT that resides in you.