With compassionate guidance, you'll be able to
face and heal past wounds. The ultimate goal is

peace and freedom in your heart.

Guided healing sessions

Inner Child Work

Many of our deep-rooted issues as adults stem from childhood events where our needs were not met. All children need to feel loved, safe, and valued. When these needs are not met by caregivers, problems arise in adulthood, such as addiction, anxiety, and insecurities.

Inner child work is a trauma-informed approach that goes back to address the needs of your inner child at the times when they needed love and safety.

Trauma Release Methods

Body-based therapies to help clear out stored trauma from the body and then restore the body (and spirit) to feeling more vibrant and alive.


This may include TRE, somatic and yoga therapy, self-myofascial release techniques. All work to release long-held stuck energy from the body. With consistent practice, you'll notice a difference in your healing.

Nervous System Regulation

Unresolved trauma can cause a person to live in states of hyper or hypo arousal as their baseline...when triggered, this can cause a person to spin out of control/become explosive, run away (hyper) or shut down/zone out (hypo).


Learn techniques to feel grounded, calm, and centered so that stressful situations or a change in your environment does not overwhelm you.


Join me once a month online for Intentional Yoga to get a feel for the science behind this- because understanding w/ the mind is different than feeling in the body.


In this class, you will stay in poses for longer, giving you time to feel what's going on inside. Breathwork and visualizations are added to give you tools to regulate the nervous system. Eventually, you'll have a toolbox of techniques to feel calm and anchored in the body.


Sign up below to be notified of class dates/times via Zoom.

Suggested min. donation $10

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I believe we are born from light, and we are here to experience all of life: the beauty, the love, the shadows, the pain. Every single one of us experiences challenges throughout our lives.


Sometimes the trauma from these events are so severe, that we build up thick layers to protect us from the pain. My layers were so thick from years of emotional and sexual abuse that I didn't even realize I had built a fort around me. It wasn't until I started practicing yoga that I noticed layers shedding. Whoa, there's a whole Range of Emotions I didn't know I had buried!


As I learned to process and clear out the shadows (through yoga therapy, plant medicine, and a range of other methods), I started to feel my true light deep inside, my soul. And this is what I wish for everyone.


As an intuitive energy healer, medium, and yoga therapist specializing in trauma healing, I would be honored to walk this path with you in reclaiming your light again.

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Simple SophisticationLiving in Ecstasis, trauma healing, spiritual guidance, shamanic healing, intuitive healing, medium for loved ones

Rediscover the LIGHT that resides in you.