Alchemize Women’s Retreat

A Healing Retreat in Sedona, May 2024

Sedona Women's heaing retreat, alchemize retreat

A once in a lifetime spiritual healing retreat with an exceptional group of women.” Geralyn M.

Wow. What an incredible few days together with this group of women whose ages ranged from 30’s-70’s. It’s wonderful to see that it doesn’t matter what age we are, we can all start healing pains of the past so we can live out the rest of our lives with more freedom and lightness.

Retreats are a place where individuals from all different beliefs can come together and experience the deeper knowing that we are all ONE. Not that we are the same, but that we can be understanding and loving with those who are different.

When we listen to the media, you’d think everyone hates each other. But when we can sit in circle together, we see that it’s possible to deeply connect to someone who may seem different than we are. We realize that we have all experienced difficult moments in our lives, and at the core of it all we just want to to feel love, peace, and joy.

For these strong, beautiful women, who have experienced severe trauma in their lives, but signed up to do the work to heal, I thank you for trusting me, and I hope you felt your light returning and begin to shine bright again.

Medicine Horse Journey

Our retreat started with a Medicine Horse Journey with Michele Petersen, a true horse whisperer. She taught us that horses are highly sensitive and intuitive beings with BIG heart energy. They can sense what we’re feeling and reflect it back to us, a mirror for us to truly see ourselves as we are.

Sedona Women's heaing retreat, alchemize retreat

We sat down and some of the horses came over immediately and started interacting with each woman individually. For some, it provoked a profound emotional response. These horses are magic in their knowing and their presence. They affirm to you who you really are…deepening your self-awareness.

horse heaing sedona, Horse equine therapy sedona

I thoroughly enjoyed the healing with horses session, it was so healing and spiritually uplifting.” – Violet S.

Practicing Presence

If ever there was a place to practice presence so you can feel peace, it’s Sedona. We spent time “being the observer” as we silently walked and soaked in the beauty of Mother Nature here.

Sedona Women's heaing retreat, alchemize retreat

When you are present, you’re not worrying about anything else. Your mind is focused on what’s in front of you. The red rocks, the creek, the trees.

Sedona Women's heaing retreat, alchemize retreat

Observe your mind and what’s running through it. As you walk, some thoughts may roll through. “Oh, there goes my mind, thinking of something from the past or future again…” and then go back to noticing your present moment. Being in nature slows down your mind, gives you something to focus on, and helps you FEEL more at peace.

Trauma Release from the Body

Sedona Women's heaing retreat, alchemize retreat

A big part of healing trauma is to release it from the body. When we experience a traumatic event, our bodies produce energy (adrenaline/cortisol) to help us get to safety. Many of us were not able to discharge this built up energy, and instead had to endure what happened to us. Without an outlet, this energy becomes stored in the body, and with repeated trauma, it gets built up. Thus, we walk around literally carrying trauma in our bodies.

Sedona Women's heaing retreat, alchemize retreat, trauma healing

On this retreat, we learned effective techniques to release stored trauma from the body including TRE (trauma release exercises) as well as self-holding techniques to calm the nervous system and bring us back into our bodies.

Sedona Women's heaing retreat, alchemize retreat, trauma healing

We also got to receive a beautiful sound bath from a master sound practitioner, Jennifer Buljan. Her vibrational healing sessions are so powerful that one participant said she could feel the love that Jen exuded during the sound bath…so much so that tears streamed down her face. Jen also offered private vibrational therapy sessions on this retreat.

Women’s Circle

Sedona Women's heaing retreat, alchemize retreat, trauma healing

Sitting in circle is a sacred time. Each circle has its unique intention, though it is always a time to show up authentically to be seen and heard, and to truly see and hear others. In this circle, we wrote down what we wanted to release, and what we wanted to call into our lives.

We were also blessed to have 3 women from the Cree First Nations in Canada join us on this retreat. Some were thrivers of residential schools who have come to heal their own traumas. Despite all they had gone through, they shared so much knowledge about some of their teachings. They held a sacred smudge ceremony for us on the red rocks and shared some beautiful Cree songs during our song circle.

Sedona Women's heaing retreat, alchemize retreat, trauma healing

There’s so much more that happens on a retreat like this that cannot be put into words. Like most meaningful events in life, it has to be experienced.

Thank you to all the ladies who showed up so beautifully to share your magic on this retreat!

“I just wanted to thank you Lynn, again, for putting together such a varied and gifted group of women
The first day everyone appeared wary. By the last night, the powerful experiences, tears and new friendships transformed every woman and was reflected in their smiles. Amazing what can happen in three days.”

Simple SophisticationLiving in Ecstasis, trauma healing, spiritual guidance, shamanic healing, intuitive healing, medium for loved ones